Louie the Lab

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Six Common foods dogs cannot eat

We all know that dogs are food-motivated. They will do just about anything for a treat, which is why it's important to be aware of the types of food that dogs cannot eat. Just like people, dogs can have allergies or reactions to certain foods, so it's best to err on the side of caution and avoid feeding them anything that could potentially make them sick. Here is a list of six common foods that you should never give your dog.

Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs

Eating grapes and raisins can be incredibly dangerous for dogs, causing kidney failure. It is thought that oxalates found in grapes and raisins play some role in the toxic effect, but the exact cause is still uncertain. Unfortunately, even small amounts of these fruits can have severe consequences for an unsuspecting pup. This issue affects all sizes and breeds of dogs, and anyone with a furry friend should take great care to make sure they are never exposed to grapes or raisins.

Chocolate can be poisonous to dogs, especially dark chocolate and cocoa powder

Chocolate is a beloved treat for people all over the world, but it can bring harm to our canine companions. While some dogs will be indifferent to an occasional bit of chocolate, any ingestion of dark chocolate or cocoa powder in larger amounts can lead to symptoms ranging from vomiting and diarrhea to an irregular heartbeat and even coma in worse cases. The severity and type of symptoms are determined by factors such as the amount consumed, type of chocolate and size of the pup. With this in mind, it’s best to keep your dog far away from those delicious chocolate treats you have stored in your cupboard!

Onions and garlic can damage a dog's red blood cells and cause anemia

Onions and garlic in all forms, including powders, raw, cooked, or dehydrated, can be toxic to dogs. If ingested in high enough amounts, onions and garlic can damage a dog's red blood cells and cause anemia. Anemia is the noticeable decrease in healthy red blood cells in your pup’s body that is caused by lower than average levels of iron or a deficiency of certain vitamins. Not only do these vegetables contain sulfur compounds that are toxic to dogs, but they can also irritate the gastrointestinal tract leading to further health issues if consumed. It is important to keep far away from feeding your furry friend onions and garlic as even small amounts have been known to have a devastating effect on their health.

Raw meat may contain bacteria that can harm your dog

Eating raw meat may seem natural for a carnivorous animal like a dog, but it can also be dangerous if not handled properly. Raw meat can contain many different types of bacteria that are harmful to your dog's health. To protect them from potential illnesses, store the raw meat safely and only feed it to your pets in moderation. Clean all surfaces and utensils used with hot soapy water and ensure that your pet has access to plenty of fresh drinking water after eating raw meat to reduce the risk of any digestive issues. Furthermore, make sure that you check with your vet before feeding a new type of raw meat to your dog. They will be able to advise you on the best way to feed it to ensure that your pooch stays healthy and happy.

Xylitol, a sugar substitute found in many products, is toxic to dogs

Consuming xylitol, a sugar substitute found in a wide range of products such as sugarless gum, candies and baked goods, can be hazardous to our canine companions. While it might seem like a harmless ingredient for humans due to its low-calorie content and ability to halt cavities in their tracks, xylitol is incredibly toxic for dogs. It has been known to cause a potentially fatal decrease in blood sugar levels as well as liver failure if left untreated. Be sure to keep any items containing xylitol out of your pup's reach - after all it is better to err on the side of caution!

Alcohol of any kind should never be given to a dog

Alcohol of any kind is toxic to dogs and can cause serious harm to their kidneys, liver and other important organs. Even small amounts of alcohol can result in severe medical issues for a canine, ranging from disorientation and weakness to vomiting, difficulty breathing and even coma. In some cases, alcohol can even be fatal for a dog. For this reason, it's very important that pet owners never give their furry friends alcoholic beverages under any circumstances. If a dog does ingest alcohol somehow, consult with vet as soon as possible to determine appropriate treatment. Taking the proper precautions can help ensure that you keep your beloved pooch safe and sound for years to come!

As a pet owner, it's important to be aware of the dangers that some common household items can pose to your furry friend. Grapes and raisins, chocolate, onions and garlic, raw meat, and xylitol are all potentially harmful (and in some cases, fatal) to dogs. Alcohol should also never be given to a dog under any circumstances. If you suspect that your dog has consumed something they shouldn't have, contact your veterinarian or emergency animal hospital immediately. Do you have any other tips for keeping dogs safe? Leave your comments below.