Louie the Lab

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Why Dogs Make Great Companions

I was never a dog person growing up. It’s not that I didn’t like dogs. I was just never exposed to them. Growing up, I lived in a home with extended relatives. Our house was cramped as it was. There was barely any room for all of us let alone a dog. When I was young, getting a dog was not a top priority, getting my own bedroom was.

As I got older, I began longing for a dog. I remember watching shows like Wish Bone and movies like Beethoven and wishing I had a dog just like the ones on screen. They were so smart and loving. I thought to myself “wouldn’t it be great to have a dog?” Around this time, I started to meet new people who had dogs. Their pups were playful, cheerful and full of energy. That made we want a dog even more. It was a desire I carried with me into adulthood.

When I moved out of my parents place and into my own apartment, one of my goals was to get a dog. I did some research about purchasing a dog from a breeder, adopting from a shelter and adopting from rescue organizations. I ultimately decided to adopt from the Toronto Humane Society.

Louie, my now three-year-old Labrador Retriever mix, is a bundle of love wrapped in explosive energy. He has two modes: sleep and play. There is no in between for this little furry ball of fun. People often asked me how I decided on Louie. I know it sounds cliché, but he is the one that actually picked me.

My younger brother Andrew, who also is my roommate, was super keen on my decision to get a dog. We had spotted one on the Toronto Humane Society website that he thought would make a perfect addition to our pack. Since my brother was still in university at the time and had the day off, he offered to go check out the dog while I was still at work. I remember he sent me a text message saying “the dog we want is here but needs surgery and will not be available for adoption right now, but there is this other dog, Louie, that you should come see. “ So, on his advice, I went to go visit Louie after work and I am glad that I did. As I walked up to where he was being kept, Louie jumped up to greet me with a big smile and heartwarming eyes. It was at that moment that I knew he was my dog.

My journey with Louie so far has been an amazing one. Over the two years we’ve been together, we have gone on many adventures including hikes through forests, exploring new parts of downtown Toronto, and mastering the etiquette of off-leash dog parks. He comforts me when I am having a tough day and his goofiness always makes you laugh especially when you need it most. He only knows how to love unconditionally and make you happy.

I always thought having a dog would be fun and it is. But it is also so much more. From Louie, I’ve learned to become more patient, more loving, and more fun. I’ve learned to separate myself more from my work, something I admit is terribly difficult for me to do. Louie is certainly the best friend any person can ask for.

My experience with Louie has convinced me that dogs are the greatest companions. I believe they were put on earth to make us happy, cheerful, and fun. I am looking forward to many more years with my four-legged buddy.

To all those wondering whether they should get a dog my, biased answer is yes.