A Short History of Ontario Parks

From camping to hiking to canoeing, Ontario Parks offer local residents and visitors opportunities to learn and connect with nature, have fun with friends and family, and see the awe-inspiring landscape of Ontario. In 1983, Algonquin Provincial Park became the first provincial park in Ontario. This was followed by the creation of Rondeau Park in 1894. Over the years, Ontario added more and more parks giving people new places to visit and discover. Today, there are over 330 provincial parks in Ontario, covering more than 8 million hectares - an area that is larger than the provinces of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island combined.

Ontario Provincial Parks are wonderful places for those who love to hike, canoe, kayak, and camp. Avid photographers are treated to beautiful landscapes that cameras cannot wait to capture. We hope you enjoy this short history of Ontario Provincial Parks. We love visiting them and hope you get a chance to see Ontario’s greatest treasures - nature.


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