Louie the Lab

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Five Essential Items for A Great Hiking trip

So, you have picked a trail and you are getting ready to go. Don’t forget to pack these five items for your dog.

  1. Water and Water Bowl

    We all get thirsty while out and about. Our dogs are no different. Make sure to pack an extra water bottle for your pup. Make sure to bring enough water to last the duration of your hike and bring extra if it is a warm day. Water helps your dog cool down. Staying well-hydrated can help prevent heatstroke. Consider bringing a water bowl to make it easier for your dog to lap up water. I personally like using a collapsible bowl. My go-to right now is one made by Outward Hound. It’s lightweight and can fit in your pocket or backpack. Your back will thank you especially if you are carrying around a large volume of water.

  2. Extra Poop Bags

    When they have to go, they have to go. Pack extra poop bags so you can clean up after your dog does its business. I keep a roll of poop bags in my backpack and a few in my pants pocket in case Louie needs to go number two while we are out hiking.

  3. Treats

    Hiking is tiring. Bring a few treats for your dog. Louie is a huge fan of carrots, watermelon, and sliced cucumbers. It’s a great way to replenish calories and watermelon and cucumbers can are packed full of water that can also help them stay hydrated.

  4. First Aid Kit

    While you most likely will never use it, having a small first aid kit for you and your pup can come in handy in case you or your dog hurt yourselves during a hike. Make sure your kit includes disinfectant to clean cuts and some gauge and bandages to cover up any open wounds.

  5. Towel

    Keep a towel in the car. Wipe your dog’s paws before letting him into the car. It will help keep your ride a little cleaner. Towels are a lifesaver after walking in the rain. Dry your dog before your drive home. Your car’s upholstery will thank you. Also, who likes the smell of wet dog?