Why I love Hiking

Hiking allows me to combine three of my favourite things - spending time outdoors with my dog, exploring nature, and landscape photography. I have been lucky enough to travel throughout Canada and parts of the United States and Europe and hike amazing trails. From the Black Forest in Germany to the sweeping vistas at Zion National Park in the United States, hiking has taken me to different places. Since I got my dog four years ago, I have been spending more time hiking trails in southern Ontario. Together, Louie and I, have been exploring various provincial and national parks as well as conservation areas near where we live. It is an activity we both look forward to and enjoy. During the pandemic, we have been taking advantage of our proximity to parks and have increased the amount of time exploring the great outdoors.

Health Benefits of Being Outdoors

Research has shown that there are health benefits to spending time outdoors. Being out in nature reduces anger, anxiety and helps you get a mental break from electronic devices allowing your mind to relax. I feel great after a nice short or long hike. My work usually has me glued to my desk and computer. Hiking provides a much-needed break from all the electronic devices that takes up my focus for much of the day. Being out in nature allows me to disconnect and recharge my mind and body.

Hiking can be easy on the body or extremely challenging depending on the length of the trail you are tackling, the changes in elevation, the type of terrain, and the amount of gear you are carrying. It is a great form of exercise for you and your dog no matter your experience level. I always feel like I have finished a nice workout after completing a hike.

Exploring Nature

Nature is beautiful. From forests to deserts and everything in between, nature’s beauty can be found everywhere. Hiking gives you chance to get an up-close look at nature and be part of it. There is something special about hearing the birds sing, watching the water flow, and spotting the occasional large animal like deer or moose. I also love how the type of trees, flowers, and plants differ from one region to another. Nature is truly fascinating. I find that the more time I spend in nature, the more I respect it and want to help preserve it for future generations to enjoy. I am sure you will feel the same.

Landscape Photography

I love landscape photography. I like the challenge of trying to capture the vivid colours in nature. I like hiking out into the middle of nowhere and trying to photograph landscapes that few others get to see in person. From snow-covered mountains to rolling hills to autumn leaves, there is always amazing to photograph throughout the year.


Henry lives with his dog Louie and together they explore all the beauty that Ontario has to offer via hiking trails.


A Beginner’s Guide to Hiking


5 Tips for Hiking with camera gear