Adventures with Louie: Under the sea

Adventures with Louie is a series of short stories about Louie and his favourite dog and human friends. It chronicles adventures - some real, mostly imagined - Louie and his mates go on to explore the world. Enjoy!

Louie and Chance were two very best friends, a black Labrador Retriever and a Husky. They lived in the same neighborhood, had each other’s backs, and loved to have fun together. One day they decided to go on an underwater adventure.

They put on their diving suits and swam deep into the ocean until they came across a school of fish who welcomed them with open fins! Louie was so excited that he almost forgot why he was there—to attend math class! But before long Louie and Chance were learning all about geometry, algebra, calculus and more from their new teacher Professor Fishyfin.

After math class ended it was time for some sightseeing! The duo visited the magnificent Great Barrier Reef where they saw coral in every shape and color imaginable. Then they met Echo, a friendly dolphin who showed them how to do flips off her tail like pros!

But their greatest surprise came when Ted the turtle invited them onto his back for a ride around the ocean floor. He taught them all about how all the plants and animals in the ocean work together in harmony. Ted pointed out every organism they came across including plankton, shrimp, lobsters, starfish and many more. He taught the pups about where octopus live and warned they of dangerous areas of the ocean inhabited by sharks. As if that wasn’t enough excitement already - while traveling along Ted introduced the dogs to the his best friend, humpback whale named Harry. The pups were amazed by how large the whale was.

As the sun began to set, Louie and Chance panicked. They had lost track of time. They had to get home before the moon came out. Harry offered to give the pups a ride home. They waved goodbye to Ted and started their trek home. In no time, they were back in the beds dreaming of future adventures together.

Louie the Lab

Louie is a Labrador mix. He likes to spend his days chasing frisbees and footballs in the backyard, and exploring the great outdoors on hiking trails throughout Ontario.


Adventures with Louie: The Dog Olympics


Adventures with Louie: A day in the forest