Louie the Lab

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2021 New Years Resolutions

In 2018 I found my forever home. After spending just a few days at the Toronto Humane Society, I was adopted by two siblings - Henry and Andrew - who instantly became my best friends. Together, we explored various parts of downtown Toronto. From beaches to parks to different neighbourhoods, our trio pack has been having a blast. I feel fortunate to have found my forever home.

Last year, was a tough one. The global pandemic changed our daily lives. While we still enjoyed walking around the city, we stayed away from parks and the beach. We were doing our best to stay away from large groups of people to help prevent getting sick. As a result, I learned to play with puzzles, began mastering the game of tug, and did a lot of hide and seek. The condo we lived in was small and having to go in and out of elevators was a bit of a pain. Late last year, we moved to Brampton that included something called a yard. I don’t think I have ever had a yard before, but I absolutely love it. The yard is fenced in so I can freely roam, chase after balls and patrol for squirrels that hop along the fences.

I started the year with a few resolutions that I hope to be able to stick with.

  1. Play More

    This one should be easy. My best friend takes me outside several times a day to play fetch and generally goof around in the backyard. I also have a drawer full of toys to keep my occupied. I think I will easily crush this goal.

  2. Learn New Tricks

    Currently focused on learning how to navigate obstacles. It is quite hard but I am determined to master.

  3. Nap More

    I already sleep quite a bit. In like to catch some sleep in between meals, playtime and

  4. Spend More Time With My Best Friends

    Good news is that my best friends both work from home. We spend pretty much all day together. The only time we are apart is when they have to run to the store to buy things like food for me and for them.

What are some of your New Year’s resolutions?