Adventures with Louie: First Day as a Vet

Adventures with Louie is a series of short stories about Louie and his favourite dog and human friends. It chronicles adventures - some real, mostly imagined - Louie and his mates go on to explore the world. Enjoy!

Louie, the Labrador Retriever, had always dreamed of becoming a veterinarian. Ever since he was a little pup, all he wanted to do is help his animal friends feel better. At the park, he’d be the first to check on pup if they yelped. The day he graduated from veterinary school was the best day of his life. He worked hard to pursue his dreams and his tenacity paid off. 

Upon graduation, Louie landed a job at a clinic in his hometown of Brampton, Ontario. He was a bit nervous about his first day on the job as a veterinarian. He had recently graduated from vet school and felt ready to take on any challenge that came his way but he still couldn't help feeling anxious at the thought of being responsible for so many animals' lives.

When he arrived at the office, it seemed like all of his patients were waiting for him! First up was a white Persian cat who needed vaccinations. Louie examined her carefully before administering them and soon she was back with her owner happy and healthy. His next patient was a small Beagle puppy who had an ear infection; Louie prescribed antibiotics which took care of it in no time.

Afterward, Louie saw an adorable little rabbit with digestive problems - after performing some tests he prescribed medication that quickly cleared up the issue and sent him home in better shape than ever before!

By mid-day, Louie's nerves had begun to settle as he realized how much knowledge and skill he possessed when it came to treating animals - by helping out these furry friends today they were now living healthier lives thanks to him!  Louie’s confidence grew as each pet went home with its owners pleased with their treatments. Perhaps this job wasn't going to be so scary after all!

Louie the Lab

Louie is a Labrador mix. He likes to spend his days chasing frisbees and footballs in the backyard, and exploring the great outdoors on hiking trails throughout Ontario.


Adventures with Louie: Training for the Canine World Cup