Adventures with Louie: Off to Outer Space

Adventures with Louie is a series of short stories about Louie and his favourite dog and human friends. It chronicles adventures - some real, mostly imagined - Louie and his mates go on to explore the world. Enjoy!

In his latest adventure, Louie the Labrador Retriever, is joined by his best friends Chance the Husky, and Vasco the Hound, for a journey into space to explore planets near and far. Join these three brave pups as they embark on a journey through our solar system to Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter, and learn about the stars and asteroids along their way.

The three pups boarded the PUP2023 shuttle and put their seatbelts on as the control tower counted down to blast off. The best friends were excited to take off on their new adventure. They’d never been to space before. The first planet on their list was Mars—also known as the Red Planet. Louie, Chance, and Vasco were amazed by the red dust that covered its surface and loved learning about how it was believed to have once been home to flowing rivers and large lakes. As they explored further, they discovered some of Mars' most famous features like Olympus Mons— one of the largest volcanoes in our solar system—and Valles Marineris—one of the largest canyons of the solar system. 

After exploring Mars, Louie and his friends decided to take a trip to Mercury—the closest planet to our sun. They were mesmerized by Mercury's unique atmosphere which is mostly made up of helium and hydrogen. As they explored further, they learned about its incredible temperature range from -280°F during its nighttime cycle to 800°F during its daylight hours! They also discovered that Mercury is home to some of the darkest craters found in our solar system due to it having no atmosphere or weather patterns that erode away at its surface.                                              

Their next stop was Jupiter—the fifth planet from the sun. Although this gas giant has no solid surface for them to explore directly, they were still able to learn a lot about it from afar. They discovered that Jupiter has an incredibly strong magnetic field that traps charged particles from its moons—which created beautiful auroras on its poles when those particles interacted with Jupiter's own charged particles! They also found out that Jupiter has more than 80 moons orbiting around it—including Europa which may even be capable of sustaining life due to an ocean of liquid water underneath its icy crust!

Louie, Chance, and Vasco had a truly unforgettable experience exploring outer space together! From discovering new facts about planets in our solar system to learning more about stars and comets along their way—these pups had an adventure like no other. The trio is planning their next adventure into space. Next time, they’re hoping to visit Saturn, Neptune and Uranus.

Louie the Lab

Louie is a Labrador mix. He likes to spend his days chasing frisbees and footballs in the backyard, and exploring the great outdoors on hiking trails throughout Ontario.


Adventures with Louie: Training for the Canine World Cup


Adventures with Louie: The Dog Olympics