Louie the Lab

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Why I love puzzles

Play time is my favourite time of day. It’s not always about tug or fetch. One of my favourite activities is tackling puzzles. Whether it is going on an epic search and rescue mission to retrieve treats hidden around the house, trying to pry a squeaky ball out of a rubber cube, or pushing levers and moving things around to unveil small bits of treats, I simply love a good puzzle.

When I am bored, I can get destructive. I sometimes find paper on the floor and rip it shreds or venture into the kitchen and lick all the delicious crumbs, water droplets and other yummy things that may have ended up there. When I get to sink my teeth into a good puzzle, these other things are a lot less interesting.

The best part about playing with puzzles is that I get to do it with my human. He does the hiding while I find the treats. My all-time favourite is a game we call find it. Henry hides treats, kibble or squeaky balls around the house, and when he yells “Find it” I sprint off to uncover the treasures. I recommend trying it sometime.