My goals for 2022

We are a few days into the new year. With that comes a new list of goals I aim to complete in 2022. The pandemic has made it challenging to travel around Ontario given all the lockdowns that are in place to keep people safe. Last year, we managed to get out to several trails for hikes, discover new hidden gems like the Caledon Trailway, and the extra time I had with my humans gave me a chance to learn new skills and tricks and strengthen my bond with them. I plan to do a lot more hiking this year. I have made my list of goals and shared them below. What do you hope to achieve in 2022?

  1. Hike 10 new trails at 10 different Ontario Provincial Parks

  2. Attend agility training camp

  3. Improve my recall

  4. Learn to roll over (I have yet to learn this)

  5. Visit every park that is part of the Credit Valley Conservation Area

Louie the Lab

Louie is a Labrador mix. He likes to spend his days chasing frisbees and footballs in the backyard, and exploring the great outdoors on hiking trails throughout Ontario.


My First hike of 2022


My First Camping Trip